Thursday, April 8, 2010

going barefoot for those growing up barefoot.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to grow up without your every day necessities-whether it be food, shelter or even something as small as shoes? Im guessing that most of us living in America take these things for granted. But could you imagine having to worry about the ground you walk on, being aware of every step you take, fearing you may cut or bruise yourself from the terrain & environment. Not only could infection and disease set in, but what happens in extreme heat or cold? For some, a day without shoes is normal. But it shouldn't be...

That is what today is all about. April 8th marks "One Day Without Shoes." This day is the day we spread awareness about the impact one pair of shoes can have on a someone’s life. Today, TOMS shoes is asking people to go one day, part of the day or even just a few minutes, barefoot, to experience first-hand what life would be like without shoes, while inspiring others at the same time. To know how big of an issue this is, here are some hard facts on how hard it is without shoes:
  • In some developing nations, children must walk for miles to school, clean water and to seek medical help.
  • Cuts and sores on feet can lead to serious infection.
  • Often, children cannot attend school barefoot.
  • In Ethiopia, approximately one million people are suffering from Podoconiosis, a debilitating and disfiguring disease caused by walking barefoot in volcanic soil.
  • Podoconiosis is 100% preventable with basic foot hygiene and wearing shoes.
Blake Mycoskie, founder and chief shoe giver of TOMS Shoes, says the problem is big, but the solution is quite easy. By wearing a pair of shoes and practicing basic hygiene, they can prevent infection, disease and even death.

Blake started TOMS with one thing in mind: to give one pair of new shoes to a child in need around the world with every pair he sold. The One for One business model has encouraged consumers to purchase and give more than 400,000 pairs of new shoes to children in need (around the world & in the US) in just 4 years. I was lucky enough to be able to attend a speaking engagement Blake hosted at Vanderbilt University last month and I can say after that night I was all on board. If you haven't heard of TOMS or Blake's story, I definitely encourage you to research it. As someone who has a heart for serving others and working with nonprofits, I was encouraged by what Blake is doing and how he is doing it.

So let's recap, what can you do today to help those without shoes? You can research Blake Mycoskie & TOMS shoes and help in spreading awareness of such a large issue with a simple solution; you can give a pair of new shoes to a child in need by buying a sweet pair of TOMS (One for One); and at some point today, you can go barefoot to show "It's hard without shoes."

1 comment:

  1. Very cool... I would like to get and thereby give a pair of Toms : )
